We've got the answers to all your pickle ponderings. Got a question that isn't listed here? Send us a message, and we'll get back to you!
Do OH SNAP! products need to be refrigerated?
Absolutely! Keeping your Oh Snaps cool helps to maintain their crunch. Pouches can be left unrefrigerated for a few hours with no noticeable change, but products are best enjoyed cold.
Are your OH SNAP! products Gluten-Free?
As sure as a cucumber is green. All OH SNAP! products are Gluten-Free.
Are your OH SNAP! products Non-GMO?
Great question, we’re proud to say all of the vegetables and fruits used in OH SNAP! products are non-GMO.
Are OH SNAP! products vegan?
Yes, OH SNAP! products are free from all animal-derived ingredients.
What are the “natural flavors” in OH SNAP! products?
The natural flavors in OH SNAP! pickled products are garlic, onion, and dill. Our mouths are watering just listing them.
Why is my OH SNAP! pouch puffed out / bloating?
OH SNAP! pouches may bloat when left unrefrigerated for an extended period. Don’t fret though, while this may change product flavor, bloating is not a food safety concern.
Is your facility allergen-free?
You betcha! OH SNAP! products are produced in an allergen-free facility.
Are your pouches BPA Free?
They sure are. Our pouch supplier maintains certification that no BPA is present in the raw materials used to produce our pouches.
Why is Polysorbate 80 needed as an ingredient?
In addition to natural flavors, we use a plant-based Polysorbate 80 with natural plant oil extracts to ensure optimal flavor.
Why do you claim that there is “no brine added” when there is brine at the bottom of the pouch?
We don’t add brine to our pouches during the packaging process, but pickles naturally retain a high percentage of liquid. A small amount of that liquid may drain from the product and collect in the bottom of the pouch.
Are OH SNAP! products made in brine or vinegar?
Both! We use what we call a vinegar brine that includes water, vinegar, salt, and other special ingredients to flavor and preserve OH SNAP! pickles.
Are OH SNAP! products fermented?
Nope. OH SNAP! pickles are brined and refrigerated to preserve shelf life, but our products are not fermented.
Can I buy OH SNAP! products on Amazon?
Yes! Our snacks ship refrigerated for maximum crunchiness. Make sure to purchase from our official storefront for the best experience. Unapproved resellers can be reported to hello@ohsnappickles.com.
Can you freeze OH SNAP! pickles?
We wouldn’t recommend it. Freezing pickles breaks down their cell walls, causing them to lose their crunch.
What’s the best way to enjoy OH SNAP!?
Our pickles are best enjoyed cold, but beyond that we encourage eating them any and everywhere. Take them on a train, eat them on a plane, put them in a drink, or take them to the skating rink. The world is your pickle.
What makes OH SNAP! a great snack?
A better question would be what doesn’t! Oh Snaps are keto-friendly, kosher, low-cal, gluten-free, WW 0pt, a natural source of electrolytes, and just plain delicious!
Is OH SNAP! Hiring?
Legend says that deep into the forests of Appleton, Wisconsin there is an ancient school, taught by an all-knowing winged pickle. Those who locate this oracle, complete its training, and are pure of heart will receive the secrets of OH SNAP! Visit our Indeed Job Posting page or, you can just contact hr@ohsnappickles.com with employment inquiries, whatever’s easiest.